More About Bees
My grandpa used to keep a couple of beehives. Until I was out of college, I had never bought honey from a store; it was always supplied to me by my grandparents. This might be where I got my fascination about honeybees.
My grandpa (and my entire maternal side of the family) grew up in Chicago, and his father kept some beehives in their attic. I don't know what the logistics looked like with keeping 75,000 bees living in your attic. I've mingled with the idea of copying my great-grandfather and his attic bees, but then family and friends quickly point out that knowingly having bees in your house might not be a great selling point to potential buyers if I ever move.
You might already know this, but honey never spoils. It might crystalize, but then just gently heat it up in a water bath on the stove. Enjoy your honey and support your local honeybees!